Date: Wed 17 Oct 2018

By David Simpson

Pride in Performance

Luck you deserve?

PICS' boss, Liam McDonald, has given his verdict on Tuesday's defeat at Redditch United where a late goal denied us any points reward from a game in which we looked the better side.

"The lads played well on the night and worked really hard," he said. "The only thing missing was putting the ball in the net and turning those half-chances into clear-cut chances.

"We dominated the second half and it was arguably our best 45 minutes of the season, so that made it even more frustrating that our hosts were able to grab a late goal to make it 2-1 and then hold onto their lead in the closing stages.

"We’ve restricted our opponents to very few chances over the last two games, but sometimes in football, you don’t get the luck that you deserve and that was certainly the case on Tuesday.

"That said, the lads have given me everything over the last two games and there have been plenty of positives to come out of it.

"If we can get another three points against St. Ives on Saturday, it will make it six points out of the last nine and that is not a bad return.

"We’ll dust ourselves down and be ready to go again at the weekend. We’ve had St. Ives watched and know what to expect from them."

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