Date: Wed 29 May 2024

By Andy Poole


We get the thoughts of the fans on the season just gone...

With the thrills and spills of the 2023/24 season now over, we have asked supporters from across our four divisions to share their thoughts on the campaign.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part...

NAME | Arran White

CLUB | Beaconsfield Town – Pitching In Southern League Premier South

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FOLLOWING YOUR CLUB AND HOW DID YOUR SUPPORT FIRST BEGIN? | I randomly went along to an evening game about five years ago for something to do, enjoyed it and went back a few times that season. Last season I got really hooked and went quite a lot, then the campaign just gone, I fell in love with the club.

HOW MANY OF THIS SEASON’S GAMES WERE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND? | I was able to attend a total of 28 games over the course of the season.

WHICH OF YOUR TEAM’S PLAYERS HAVE MOST STOOD OUT FOR YOU OVER THE COURSE OF THE SEASON AND WHY? | Dan Bradshaw played out of position an awful lot but was always committed and always solid. He’s a top player who I hope stays around.

WHICH GAME MOST STANDS OUT FROM THIS SEASON AND WHY? | I’m going to give two. Beating Hendon 5-4, what a crazy game, full of brilliant goals! We showed what we could do and gave a great account of ourselves. The other game that stands out was a 2-1 loss at Harrow Borough; it was games like this where we just couldn’t get into our stride and ended up costing us.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE AWAY GROUND TO VISIT AND WHY? | Sholing. Great hospitality and top people there.

HOW DID THE SEASON COMPARE TO YOUR HOPES DURING THE SUMMER? | Disappointing, obviously. Relegation was gutting; there were some good memories along the way but not enough of them unfortunately.

Beaconsfield Town Web Site

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